-- 查询所有住在南昌的女学生 SELECT * from yd_student where sex='女' and address = '南昌'; -- 查询所有男生的信息 SELECT * FROM yd_student WHERE sex='男'; -- 查询所有女生的姓名,学号,地址 SELECT name,sno,address FROM yd_student WHERE sex='女'; -- 把南昌的女的学生删除 DELETE from yd_student where sex='女' and address='南昌';
-- 查询yd_user 按年龄排序 SELECT * FROM yd_user ORDER BY age DESC; -- 降序(大到小) SELECT * FROM yd_user ORDER BY age ASC; -- 升序
-- 分组查询 SELECT * from yd_user GROUP BY sex,id;-- 分组查询 -- 分组查询所有男生女生各有多少人 SELECT sex,COUNT(sex) FROM yd_user GROUP BY sex; SELECT COUNT(*) from yd_user; -- 统计查询 -- 分组查询,并且设置分组条件 -- 1.查询按照性别分组后数量大于2的那个性别,输出性别及数量 SELECT sex,COUNT(sex) from yd_user GROUP BY sex; HAVING COUNT(sex)>2; -- 2.查询按照性别分组后年龄大于两岁,数量大于2的那个性别,输出性别及数量 SELECT sex,COUNT(sex) from yd_user where age>2 GROUP BY sex; HAVING COUNT(sex)>2;
-- 限制查询数量 limit -- 1.查前面两个人数据 SELECT * from yd_user LIMIT 2; SELECT * from yd_user LIMIT 0,2; -- 2.查询从第二开始查询两条数据 前面的数字代表从第几条开始,后面的数字代表查询几条 SELECT * from yd_user LIMIT 2,2; -- 3.查询从第二开始查询两条数据中的男的 SELECT * from yd_user where sex='男' LIMIT 2,2; -- 4查询从第二开始查询两条数据中的男的并按照年龄排序 SELECT * from yd_user where sex='男' ORDER BY age DESC LIMIT 0,3;
-- 去除重复 SELECT address from yd_student; -- 去除来自重复的地址 SELECT DISTINCT address from yd_student; -- 地址 SELECT DISTINCT name from yd_student;-- 名字
-- 别名 SELECT s.sex as '性别',COUNT(*) as '总人数' from yd_student as s GROUP BY sex;-- 查询男生女生个有多少人数
SELECT name as '姓名',sex as'性别',address as '地址' from yd_student;
#查询工资>12000的员工信息 SELECT * from employees where salary>12000; #查询部门编号不等于90的员工名和部门编号 SELECT first_name,department_id from employees where department_id !=90; #查询工资在10000到20000之间的员工名、工资以及奖金 SELECT first_name,salary,commission_pct from employees where salary>10000 and salary<20000;
SELECT first_name,salary,commission_pct from employees where salary BETWEEN 10000 and 20000; #查询部门编号不是在90到100之间,或者工资高于15000的员工信息 SELECT * from employees where (department_id<=90 and department_id>=100) or salary>15000; #查询员工last_name中包含字符a的员工信息 SELECT * from employees where last_name like "%a%"; #查询员工last_name的第二个字符为a,第五个字符为e的员工信息 SELECT * from employees where last_name like "_a__e%"; #查询员工last_name的第二个字符为_的员工信息 SELECT * from employees where last_name like "_\_%"; #查询工资在10000到20000之间的员工名、工资以及奖金 SELECT first_name,salary,commission_pct from employees where salary>10000 and salary<20000; #查询员工的工种编号为 IT_PROG,AD_VP,AD_PRES中的一个的员工信息 SELECT * from employees where job_id in('IT_PROG','AD_VP','AD_PRES');
#查询没有奖金的员工信息 select * from employees where commission_pct is null; #查询有奖金的员工信息 select * from employees where commission_pct is not null; #查询员工号为176的员工的姓名、部门号和年薪 select last_name,first_name,job_id from employees where employee_id = 176;
Select max(age) from yd_user ;
select min(min) from yd_user;
#统计所有岁数的和 select SUM(age) from yd_user;
#查询数据库yd_users age 内为 2,3,30 SELECT * FROM yd_users WHERE age in(2,3,30); #查询数据库yd_users age 内不为 2,3,30 SELECT * FROM yd_users WHERE age NOT in(2,3,30); #查询数据库yd_users age 内字符串为空 SELECT * FROM yd_users WHERE age = ' '; #查询数据库yd_users age 内为null的值 SELECT *FROM yd_users WHERE age is NULL; #查询数据库yd_users age 内为不为null的值 SELECT * FROM yd_users WHERE age is not null; #查询性别不是男的人 SELECT * FROM yd_users WHERE sex != '男'; SELECT * FROM yd_users WHERE sex <> '男'; #模糊查询 #查询名字是包含e的人 SELECT * FROM yd_study WHERE name LIKE '%e%'; #查询名字是J开头的人 SELECT * FROM yd_study WHERE name like 'j%'; #查询身份证号减去年龄等于360109的人 SELECT * FROM yd_study WHERE idcard-age = 360109;